- ボイド夫妻はともに言葉づかいが穏やかで, お互いに, また他のだれにでもひどくていねいだった.
mr. and mrs. boyd were soft-spoken and enormously polite with each other and everybody else 意味
- "mr speaker"の英語
- "mr."の英語
- "mr. a. was replaced as prime minister by mr. b. a"の英語
- "mr. a., professor of psychology at…university"の英語
- "mr. alvarez is here on a tourist visa"の英語
- "mr. and mrs. bridge"の英語
- "mr. and mrs. smith"の英語
- "mr. and mrs. smith, by the way, are cousins"の英語
- "mr. anthony is sick and mr. bosworth will teach in his place today"の英語
- "mr. a., professor of psychology at…university"の英語
- "mr. alvarez is here on a tourist visa"の英語
- "mr. and mrs. bridge"の英語
- "mr. and mrs. smith"の英語